Monday, 11 March 2013

Sri Lanka

Une fois de plus, je trouve le bonheur sur ma route. Au Sri Lanka, l'épanouissement est au bord du chemin, il suffit de se pencher, et de l'attraper :-) Est-il important d'en décrire, analyser, décortiquer les raisons ? Peut être pas. Vivre au présent, observer ce qui nous arrive, apprécier sans en faire une montagne, voilà ce que j'ai appris au Sri Lanka. 
Ma tête était prête à de belles choses, elle a eu 10 mois et 15 pays pour se préparer ! :-D Le Sri Lanka est un beau pays, peuplé d'êtres rayonnants. Oui, le Sri Lanka, comme l'essence de mon voyage, fut une aventure humaine, plus qu'une histoire de paysages ou de climat. Les gens sont souriants. Sri Lanka is the most smiling people country I've ever been to. They look happy, I felt them happy. And their happiness is contagious! Positive vibrations issue from people. Catch them! It's healthy :-)

I don't know exactly what each and every person searches in life. Money, success, peace, harmony, friends, good looking body, good work, nice view from your window, knowledge, brain skills, thrill, active life, love, good TV, a listening god, children... Maybe a piece of everything. I search for happiness, which I have been finding on my way, in my life. And yet, it appears to me that Sri Lanka, as a Buddhist country, offers happiness skills to whoever wants to embrace them. I needed 2 months, a Vipassana 10 day course and complete vegetarian food to realise what Sri Lanka brought me. Or what I was ready to offer to myself. Leaving Lanka was heartbreaking. However, staying there would have led me to settle down. Next time maybe, hehe!

Have you heard that - 5 centuries after Buddha - Jesus Christ could have spent 10 years in India? May he have discovered the benefits of meditation ? Love and Compassion is a supreme message from Buddha. 


Abhaya et sa maman

Bouddha dormant
Parts of a Buddhist temple. A bo tree (arbre de Bouddha)
The same tree, the same bats

Jeunes étudiants bouddhistes