Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Back to France

Je suis en France :-) Si si, comme prévu. Tout est propre, tout est beau, tout est calme, tout est rangé, tout est serein. Tellement paisible, que cela en est fatiguant ! ;-) Héhé ! Non, je suis fatiguée parce qu'il fait froid et que mon corps n'est plus habitué. Je suis un peu perdue. C'était prévisible. Une fois de plus, je prends le temps de me remettre, je ne sais pas combien cela va me prendre. Mais chaque jour est un peu mieux que la veille :-) Et la méditation est un atout certain.
J'ai bien hâte de vous revoir, les gens !! J'attends d'être French, Fresh & Smilling à nouveau pour reprendre le contact, doucement :-)     

I am back, I am in France, as planned. I'm tired, this country is cold, I'm not used to it anymore. :-/ Tiring are also all the discussions I hear everywhere. I understand everything although I don't want to listen to. I have to switch my brain off. Not easy after 18 months...
I'm "couchsurfing" at my parents' place. Hihi! ;-) Should I thank them for that, or for all the rest?? I am a lucky one to have them. And I was lucky for all they've been giving me throughout these years. Love and affection might be the most important, I guess. They are present, ready to help, happy to live, even younger now they are retired ;-)
Hommage à mes parents :-)

I don't exactly know how to conclude my blog. Do I need to? Life is a non stop process. France will be my future, my close future at least. Around Grenoble.

I want to thank you. All the people who have followed my blog, who've accompanied me for a virtual piece of travel, through my written lines and photos. The new technologies show me how many people check my blog and from which country they are. Surprisingly, some countries appear although I have no idea who, in these countries, could be interested in my blog. Many people I don't know read my blog, by accident, by fancy. Many people I do know read my blog, even though I could not precisely tell who and when. From my believes, I know that all your positive thoughts always reached me, at each and every moment, no matter how far you were from me. There is no clear distinction between Me, You, the Computer, the Plant, the Window... All these are one. The world is Oneness. Every thought, every action, every sensation is shared by all the rest. The only difference is in the experience intensity we perceive, according to the involvement we embrace, the closeness we choose. I was happy to share these wonderful times with you.

May you be well and happy all the time

Lieu rempli de chaudes et positives vibrations
Lieu où je me sentais bien
Le restaurant végétarien, bouddhiste
Une tranche de mon quotidien au Vietnam
Monastère bouddhiste 

Baby monk, ils ne décideront qu'à 18 ans
s'ils veulent véritablement devenir moine
Communauté de jeunes moines
Heureux dans la voie du Bouddha

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