Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Isfahan IR

When you go to Iran, visiting Isfahan is a must. I generally don't really care about the things that I must do. And this travel is a good example. I mostly haven’t seen any site I should have, as a regular tourist. But I had 3 days between the different steps of the Indian visa process, so I went there, trying to escape the biggest city. It was without thinking that Iran is only covered by sand or big cities! I went by bus. Because even if hitchhiking is possible, as a single woman, I haven't really enjoyed it. I had some weird experiences. In order to remind positives meetings and not to be focused on bad memories, I decided not to hitchhike anymore in Iran.
Isfahan is nice, indeed. Very conservative too. 3 days were enough. I thank Sadi and Kyan for welcoming. And I also thank a very nice religious woman, Meshrin (spelling?), who saved me from bad persons and helped me to find my way. She gave a gift, a muslim pendant, in opal, that I have been wearing from that time. Don’t worry, I am still atheist, but she was so inspired and naturally generous that I took it.
When I came back to Teheran, I realised I needed to extend my Iranian visa in order to wait for my Indian visa. Then I had to look more Iranian style than before => see the photo!

Me, Computeringly cleaned, wrapped the persian way
Here is the dressing code

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