Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Dharwad IN

India is a democracy. Damned highly corrupted, however, and not implemented. But people are proud to say that India has a strong democracy. On Indian TV channels, people shout, discuss, argue, complain, vote, and shout again! I am very happy about it, despite that I have no idea about its efficiency.  I can't remember the last time I heard a country proud of  its democracy. France? nonono. Turkey? nonon. Linked to that, Indian people are full of energy, get easily excited. It is not rare to hear people yelling in the street, for details. Consequence of the noisy streets or just a way of expression?  That would be typical from northern India. Indeed, Karnataka seams to be quieter than Maharashtra.  4 states are part of southern India: Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. In history, the south of India has always been very far from the northern areas. Even if India is big and every state, every district is very different, the distinction between north and south is even more relevant.
Hubli-Dharwad, a twin city, Dharwad for students, engineering and classical music schools, and Hubli for business, is a small city: 1.3M people.
Rajiv welcomed me, while he was working hard in a big company. We managed to see each other, finally! A nice Wifi connection allowed me to get  knowledge about Indian agricultural products and food! I cooked also: black gram and pigeon pea!

Mini Tibet : 15000 people for 8000 Tibetan monks in the middle of nowhere

Rajiv et notre moyen de transport

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