Sunday, 21 July 2013

Beloved India

First of all, here it is: I come back to France in October. 
The decision was difficult to take, but I deeply know that I am not from India, nor Asia, and I cannot live there. No bikini on the beach, no expansive behaviour, not laughing too loud, respecting men/women segregation, enduring the social pressure, spending time with women who don't fulfill themselves elsewhere than in a kitchen (I'm thinking about doing that in France, by the way!). Although this is not all India, these facts are depressing. I also realise - I know that what follows sound really weird - my body and my mind are not meant to live here. They are too fragile. I don't know how it is possible, but things happen differently here, compared to Europe. I am more sensitive, mindly and bodily. Now I have learnt how to trust my body and my mind, I can say this piece of the world is for Indians... or at least not for me. During a day, the weather and the temperature change but they don't change themselves. They don't need to wear a sweatshirt. I do. They have to face so many social pressures, frustrations and problems, the arranged marriage, family matters, and they handle them. I could not. And even though, I feel myself more affected by little things I could easily handle in France. Vibrations are different here... It also works with positive things. :-) 
My mind is too subtle, too weak for this land.  

Furthermore, traveling forever is, somehow, possible, but it is not what I dream of. For now, I am dreaming of snoooooowwwww and skiiiiii and mountaaiiiiiins, and skiing on the snow in mountains!! The Alps are calling me back!         
By the time I leave India, I may achieve a bit of things :-)

Maize flaking process

Maghana and Mallikarjun (left)
I thank them for welcoming and helping for my millet pastas!
Sorghum and ragi pastas
Probably the first ones on the globe! hehehe! 

Sending 5kg of pastas to France

Tunga in December 

Apoorva, meditating ;-)

Tunga, the same place, in June
Tunga, the same place, in July

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